Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life's little miracles

Today is a difficult day for me.  It has been 7 years since my mom passed away, and I miss her every day.  There have been so many times that I have wanted to talk to her about the difficulties of China and raising 7 children.  There have been so many times that I've wanted to share the joy of one of my childrens' accomplishments.  Today I want to reflect on some of the miracles that the Lord has given to me to help me through the loss of my mom.
My mom felt she would pass away in February.  Her mom and dad both passed away in their birth months.  My mom's birthday is February 2nd.  As the end of February approached, and my mom was still with us, we all hoped we would have one more year with her.  But now as I look back, the Lord let my mom stay with us as long as He could.  He let her stay with us until the very end of the month.  He could have so easily taken her sooner, but He allowed us to have every possible moment with her.  It was not an easy month for her.  She was in extreme pain, but with the Lord's help, she fought to stay with us as long as she possibly could.
Boyd has asked me several (billion) times over the past years if I would consider moving to China.  My response was always "NO!!!!".  Part of the reason for my answer, besides the fact that I'm a scaredy cat and a home body, is that I couldn't leave my mom and dad.  I couldn't leave my mom when she was so sick, and then once she passed, I couldn't leave my dad alone.  I knew my sisters would take good care of my dad, but I still couldn't leave him.
Finally, I told Boyd "yes" to China.  I struggled with the idea of moving to China, but I knew the Lord had a plan and a purpose in sending us here.  I still was uncertain of leaving my dad though, and I prayed that he would be taken care of.  The Lord sent Marilyn to take care of my dad.  He sent one of his choice daughters, that loves my dad with all of her heart.  It has not always been an easy journey, for everyone involved.  (How can it be when you have 3 emotional girls involved who miss their mom with all of their hearts?)  I know it's the right journey though.  Marilyn makes my dad happy again.
I pray that my sisters will find comfort and peace on this difficult day.  They are amazing women that always astonish me with their strength and wisdom.  They are wonderful mothers, wives and especially sisters.  I'm extremely blessed to have them in my life.  They are certainly one of the most important miracles in my life.  The Lord knew I would need them by my side to help me through all of lives trials. I love how they always remind me of my loving mother through things they do or say.  I love you Lisa and Laurie!!  Thank you for being my best friends!
I know the Lord is always there for us.  Our path will not be easy, nor would we want it to be.  Without trials, our lives would be empty.  We cannot feel extreme joy without knowing extreme pain.  We cannot feel extreme happiness without feeling extreme sorrow.  The Lord has a plan for each of us, and if we work hard to follow and obey Him, we will be blessed, maybe not in the way we'd like, but certainly in the way that is right.